eBook publishing is an important tool in our business growth model. At Website Web Hosting Services (WWHS.ca), we are continuously looking for ways to develop stronger relationships with our clients and future clients or prospects.
The following are four of the eBook publishing techniques Website Web Hosting Services implements to strengthen relationships.
Each eBook publishing tip you can easily implement. If you have a large following – or no followers at all – you can still implement these eBook publishing strategies.
The 4 quick and easy eBook publishing tips reviewed below are:
With experience, you will learn to develop everything you publish in a manner allowing you to easily repurpose the content. Future eBook publishing will become easier and easier.
One tip not in this introductory list is focus. More specifically, never publish content simply for the sake of getting something online or in the hands of your followers.
What you share with others, whether in a blog or eBook, needs to provide enough value that the reader will want to read what comes next.
Each time you publish a blog, share content, consider what you are doing as a massive audition. Is it good enough to get you the next starring role on your followers reading list?
There is huge competition for the eyeballs of the people in your niche. Getting their focus on you is earned. Quality value added content keeps you in front of your target group. Less than quality is not acceptable.
Let’s get started on how you can easily and quickly publish eBooks for your niche.
Interview your customers. Get details on their successful, and not so successful, attempts in building their online business.
Drill down to tools, apps, and resources they like and do not like.
This information will not only assist newbies in building an online presence, but it will also encourage others who have had similar good and not so good experiences to recognize they are not alone.
Once you have a bunch of stories, organize them by topic and list them in an eBook by chapter or section.
You can inexpensively find someone on Fiverr to transcribe them, make an eBook cover, and even publish the whole eBook for you.
If you are marketing a product, whether it be your own or someone else’s, a survey is a powerful way to gain recognition and develop a large client list.
Step one is to develop a short, well worded, easily understood survey with pertinent questions related to user experience with the product you are promoting. Keep it simple. ‘Yes’ and ‘No’ closed ended questions are best for starters.
Step 2 is to set up automation to send a survey to each of your customers and prospects. Be sure to allow each group reasonable time to actually use or install your product or service.
The survey should consist of yes and no type questions and a couple of long-form answers to questions about specific experiences. The value in the longer questions is so your customers, or users, can provide more depth to their experience.
Similar to number 1, once you receive a bunch of fully completed survey replies, you can take the information and turn it into a publishable eBook case study.
Once you have your case study in eBook format, you can offer it to your audience.
Who is your audience? Who do you offer it to?
Your audience would be:
A real benefit of surveys is in addition to what everyone likes, you will discover opportunities for improvement in what you offer. And, even better, you will uncover opportunities for future services or products.
eBook publishing brings many types of returns, not just financial.
First categories for your web based inline blog posts.
By setting up categories on your blog, you can set up a system to slowly write and eventually publish a perfect eBook even faster.
Imagine this. Let’s say you have 25 blog posts under the category of ‘list building’. If each is an average of 500 words, that is a 12,500-word eBook.
However, based on research that suggest the average eBook is approximately 2500 words, in the above example you would have enough for 5 eBooks!
That is exciting. You wrote the content once. You published it on your website. And now you combine what you already researched and wrote into a published eBook.
Next is drafts.
You, like many of us, probably have a number of articles or posts started but not completed. These drafts are often just a few paragraphs away from being finished.
The good news is that they represent a gold mine of material just waiting for you to complete, post, and publish in an eBook.
What about resources?
Anyone who is serious about publishing quality valuable content researches the subject. In doing that research, what resources and tools do you use?
If you have not yet started to keep a record of your research resources and tools, I encourage you to start now.
If you do have a record of your favorite and not so favorite go to resources when building an article or post, they could very well be the basis of an in-demand eBook.
Simply put, bloggers and people who regularly prepare material for online publication, like most people, are not interested in reinventing how it is done.
The thinking is the same when it comes to tools. Once again when it comes to eBook publishing few people really want to have to try and experiment with multiple tools to find the right one that works for them.
So if you have reliable content research resources and tools you use, then other bloggers, online business developers, and writers would be interested in learning about them.
And let’s not forget newbies to the online world.
How about an eBook “Resources for Newbies”? You just might have a best seller based on tools you use. 😊
Yes, this is another idea that uses transcription to publish your eBook.
Let’s say you just hosted a webinar. Don’t let the number of slides fool you into thinking images are not good content for an eBook.
Today more and more adults are reading graphic novels. In case you are new to graphic novels, follow this link for a more detailed explanation.
The definition used there is “Graphic Novel” is a format, not a genre. Graphic novels can be fiction, non-fiction, history, fantasy, or anything in-between.
Graphic novels are similar to comic books because they use sequential art to tell a story. Unlike comic books, graphic novels are generally stand-alone stories … Collections of short stories that have been previously published … .”
All of this simply means you include your images as well as the content or explanation associated with each image.
A benefit of developing an eBook based off of your webinars is that you can flesh out a FAQ (frequently asked questions) section based on the questions asked by your audience.
Podcasts offer you a unique opportunity to layout an eBook based on a conversation with a subject matter expert.
An additional benefit of publishing an eBook developed from a Podcast is that if your guest was an online influencer simply publishing that person’s name alongside what the eBook is about will get you additional eyeballs.
To develop an eBook from a Podcast simply transcribe the content into eBook format.
Once again, Fiverr would be a reliable and economical place to have transcription done for you.
Video Tutorial
Video tutorial is another gold mine for eBook publishing.
Because you have the opportunity to involve many of the senses. This is a bonus because people learn in different ways.
Some, for example, are visual learners; they have to see it.
Others learn better from reading and others from hearing the words.
Video covers each of the key learning senses. Similar to what you are reading here, your video allows you to also hear and see the message.
The four quick and easy eBook publishing tips are:
The common thread between each of these opportunities to publish an eBook is that each is based on content you previously published.
In other words, you have developed the material once and now repurposing it for additional applications.
Put these 4-eBook publishing quick tips to work for you today and not only grow your list of followers but strengthen your relationship with potential customers and users of your products or services.
The really cool thing about correlating any of the above tips into an eBook is that the content is already quality. How do you know that? Because you previously published it.
That’s the really cool part of this. Repurposing has its benefits.